Friday, December 28, 2007


Sweet Emma, the only female 4-foot in Ft. Harrington, doesn't get enough attention here.

Pretty, yes?

So here she is (an hour ago).

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Eye of Guinness.

Digital photography has its own extravagance, a profligacy, an excess of images born of exuberance that spins its own dust bunnies. While I’m working on a few more significant entries in this blog, I thought I’d grope around under my virtual couch and splash a few images up here that have languished at the tail-end of my Nikon’s memory chip for the last month or so. Nikon-bunnies, as it were or was or is.


The above is a really, really bad picture of me. At the right side of the frame, you can trace out the arc of my left arm, in the left-center, you can see the black circle of my camera’s lens, in the upper-left you can sort of see my gray-headed, um, head.

… but, if you zoom out a little …

… you can see that it’s actually a pretty good picture of the Little Prince, the Magic One, the Guinness!

This is the season for…

… the holly…

… and the (English) ivy!

(Holly and Ivy are long-time and exuberant dominant ladies of Ft. Harrington’s front yard.)

And it’s the season for something that I wish everybody all the time anyway: peace on your earth, and good will to all your men and women and children, and thank you for visiting here, God bless you.

HAPPY- HAPPY to you all! (And joy-joy, too!)

The main man of the Fort, the Kelsey, the ferocious and the virtuous, naps. A lot.

And he wishes you the best for the holidays and the new year.