I stumbled across a picture of an old friend today while wasting some time on Technorati. She showed up in an Irish-Canadian woman's knitting blog.
Click here for Diane-the-knitter's blog.Here's the picture that snapped my attention thereto:

Some of you will recognize her right away; others will need
this introduction.
Aha! The Bothy Cat still holds court! How nice to see her!
Diane and I were ridiculously happy to see this evidence of Miss Kitty's good health, ronnie.
When we left, she hadn't shown up for the prior 24 hours (very) odd for her), and we had some stuff to do for the next several months...
But we wondered, and wondered, and wondered. I was actually on the verge of sending an e-mail to Lady Rosse, asking her to ask staff about Miss Kitty, when this marvelous, just-a-few-days-old picture popped up on my monitor in the Planetarium.
It was, and is, an unexpected sparkle in gloom's dusk for Diane and me as we get carried along toward the anniversary of Doug's death.
And, you know, she is just such a cool tiny kitty. Mojo would like her.
I'm glad you "found" your Bothy Cat through my blog...I couldn't resist taking her picture that day
Thank you, Diane, more than you can imagine. She sure can't be resisted by most folks.
[Note to the few regular readers of this blog: "Diane" here is our Irish knitting friend, not my "Mrs. Fort" spouse!]
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