Wednesday, October 1, 2008

100: Forty-Two

Grace on her father's memorial bench, October 1, 2008. Photo from Adam.

This 100th installment of SherWords comes on the 42nd anniversary of Doug's birth. This year, Grace was accompanied to her dad's bench only by her mom, her Uncle Adam, and her Aunt Reva. I had to teach, but my heart was with them today, too.

For another picture marking the day, please visit today's installment of PicShers.


  1. Wow! That was quick. Sadly, Reva couldn't make it but she, and you, and many.....MANY others were there with us in heart, mind, and spirit. Happy birthday to YOU Dad. Love ya.


  2. As I said on PicShers:

    "Grace is a very beautiful, very lucky little girl.

    I wish every child grew up inside such a circle of love."

  3. A beautiful picture of a very special day. Oh and i LOVE what she's done to her hair! I should try that...
