Friday, October 30, 2009

Fonzie Dreams

Old Fonzie on a chill Fall evening in Ft. Harrington, 2009. He may be dreaming; he may be dreaming of his old friends, long gone; he may be dreaming of the orange no-tail, or of his protector and mentor, Oolie.

Or he may be dreaming of dinner. Hard to tell.

He is solitary among a houseful of animals; he is gregarious in a home that has many visitors; he is slippery among the dimensions.

He is simple. He is not simple. He is who he is.


  1. What a great picture! He looks so relaxed and peaceful.

  2. Fonzie is, i think, a master of the fine art of life.

  3. I'm going to put this picture on my desktop in the spirit of zen....

  4. He is addled, you know. Officially diagnosed and certified by none other than the Black Freighter.

    But when he's unconscious I guess that doesn't apply. Maybe.
