So, to reward SherWords' regular clickers, I'll go back to an old standby: some images from the webcam at Lick Observatory, introduced very early in this blog's history. The eight images below were captured in real time (not via the HamCam's daily archive, which probably would have produced a more spectacular collection, but that seemed to be "cheating" in some way), and are my favorites since last February.
The view is toward the northwest, and takes in much of "Silicon Valley" at the south end of San Francisco Bay. Clicking on any image will take you to a much larger (1280 x 960 pixels) view, and each is worth that effort.

Do you mock me, sir?
Regardless, these views more than compensate for it. I've been there a few times and it's one of my favorite places in the state. Feels like hallowed ground.
No, Brian, not mockery so much as admiration touched with a bit of envy. My solution to your problem probably would have had to involve a home equity loan at some point.
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