This afternoon I took a little stroll around the compound and snapped these shots of things sprouting, budding, and blooming in the yard (click on any image to see a larger version):

... and jasmine sprouting brand-new, so briefly-red leaves.
The camillia trees have been blossoming since last month, but they're just now hitting their full stride, producing a wealth of blossoms too heavy for their stems, which fall on the deck with an audible PLOP at all hours, in...

In another sense of annual renewal, today was Diane's and my 17th wedding anniversary, which we celebrated with dinner at the Shadowbrook Restaurant in Capitola (or "Capitola-by-the-Sea" as its chamber of commerce would like -- just to make sure, I suppose, that we don't think it's Capitola-by-the-Forest or Capitola-by-the-Reactor.)

And in yet another sense of renewal, and in yet another delight, Diane's older son, Ryan, and his wife, Christel, are expecting their firstborn, a daughter, next month.

Happy renewal, everybody!
Congrats on the grandbaby-to-be, felicitations on the anniversary and pppllllpppp! on the flowers and sunshine.
So good to see your new post, with its intimations of renewal...
Any chance of you boxing up some of that stuff and sending it East? Mother Nature is moving a bit slow this year.
Wishing you both a very happy anniversary!
We've got 2 little peach trees out there in the yard, but they're struggling - hoping to save them with some good dirt! Envy those wonderful blooms...
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